Sunday, April 26, 2009

We Believe in One True God

1. We believe in one true God,
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
ever present help in need,
praised by all the heavenly host;
by whose mighty power alone
all is made and wrought and done.

2. We believe in Jesus Christ,
Son of God and Mary's Son,
who descended from his throne
and for us salvation won;
by whose cross and death are we
rescued from sin's misery.

3. We confess the Holy Ghost,
who from both fore'er proceeds;
who upholds and comforts us
in all trials, fears, and needs.
Blest and Holy Trinity,
praise forever be to thee!

Text: Tobias Clausnitzer, 1619-1684; Trans. by Catherine Winkworth, 1827-1878
Music: J.G. Werner's Choralbuch; MH arr. by W.H. Monk, 1823-1889; UMH arr. by William
Tune: RATISBON, Meter: 77.77.77

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Christ the Lord Is Risen Today

1. Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!
Earth and heaven in chorus say, Alleluia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply, Alleluia!

2. Love's redeeming work is done, Alleluia!
Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia!
Death in vain forbids him rise, Alleluia!
Christ has opened paradise, Alleluia!

3. Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia!
Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia!
Once he died our souls to save, Alleluia!
Where's thy victory, boasting grave? Alleluia!

4. Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia!
Following our exalted Head, Alleluia!
Made like him, like him we rise, Alleluia!
Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!

5. Hail the Lord of earth and heaven, Alleluia!
Praise to thee by both be given, Alleluia!
Thee we greet triumphant now, Alleluia!
Hail the Resurrection, thou, Alleluia!

6. King of glory, soul of bliss, Alleluia!
Everlasting life is this, Alleluia!
Thee to know, thy power to prove, Alleluia!
Thus to sing, and thus to love, Alleluia!

Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788
Music: Lyra Davidica, 1708

Saturday, April 04, 2009


It has been a loooonnnngggg while since I last updated. Was very busy and stressed during my absent time period. I also didn’t know what to update as well. Lolz. Anyway, I have been thinking about peace and joy. What is true peace? As stated earlier, it has been a very hectic period for me. Truly God sustained me throughout my physical, mental and emotional drain. It was during that time I also contemplated on what is peace from God.

Philippians 4:6-7
6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (NIV)

It says here that the peace of God transcends (or surpasses) all understanding. I understand it to mean that this feeling of peace cannot be understood. This peace will still be there even though everything is darkness and chaos around me. I can’t understand why it is there but it is like a sphere of light in a room of darkness. It gives me assurance and calm as well as to keep me sane. By logic, it shouldn’t be there because chaos should have overwhelmed any sign of hope.

Now peace can come through many different means. For example, if I know that I have money in my bank account, I feel a sense of peace. But I know where this peace is coming from, that is, from the certainty of having enough money in the bank. I would not have to worry about material stuff. But the peace that comes purely from God cannot be traced back to anything. When everything around me seems to be going wrong, I have a sense of hope and assurance that keeps me going on.

One may say that I got my assurance from Scripture. Well…that still comes from God since it is written that all Scripture is God-breathed. Indeed, it is through the Scriptures we learn who God is and His character. Our hope and peace comes from knowing God and we know about God through the written word.

On another note, true peace cannot be experienced without chaos and uncertainty. How can we know peace if we do not know what trouble and uncertainty is? Indeed, it is when you are facing problems and difficulties that an opportunity to experience true peace from God arises. Why is this so? If everything was going well with you, you are contented and have peace that comes from that contentment. If God gives you such contentment, praise Him for it is by His grace you experience that. But you might take that peace for granted and thus will not experience peace to its fullest extent. It is only when you experience peace in the midst of chaos that you will truly appreciate that peace and you will know that that peace comes from God, for in the midst of chaos, there would minimal assurance from other sources.

Oftentimes, we pray that God will help us experience His peace. Instead of feeling peace, most of the time more trouble comes our way and we ask God why. For me, I would think that it is the answer to your prayer. In midst of trouble, God can let you experience the peace that surpasses all understanding and in it you will know true peace.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 (NIV)

Soli Deo Gloria!
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I am created unique by God. I am God's child. God is my Father. A sinner but saved by the grace and mercy of God through the faith that he has given me.

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