Sunday, August 01, 2010

"I am in church now"

I noticed quite a disturbing trend, which I feel if left unattended, will grow out off hand. What I am talking about? Going online to update Facebook, Twitter and whatever while one is in church!

Due to my current location in the world, I am 12 hours behind Malaysian time. So, Sunday morning in Malaysia is Saturday night for me. And when I log into my Facebook, I see updates like the one in the title of this post. And Facebook says it was updated through a mobile phone.

Come on. Have you married yourself to Facebook (Twitter, MSN, etc) that you can't be parted from your 'sweetheart' to go to church for 1-2 hours? Some even have the audacity to update it while the service is ongoing! Where is your respect, your veneration for the sanctuary of God? Should not your thoughts, your mind, your faculties be focused on worshiping the Holy One? Or have you forgotten that God is Holy, High and Mighty, Lord and Master of the Universe, Omnipotent One?

Some may argue, "Oh! I updated it after service". Yeah, OK. I grant that to you. But why fellowship impersonally through the cyberworld when you have brother and sisters in Christ physically present around you? I don't see the logic at all. It eludes me.

Why I say this trend is dangerous and must be stopped? I see that the youth and young people (those around my age included) are losing their respect and awe for the Holy One. You claim you love God. You sing praises to Him and serve in ministries. But your actions reveal the true condition of your heart.

Please, stop this nonsense.


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