Friday, June 11, 2010

Israel - Gaza

One of the most heated topics today is the recent Israeli attack on a humanitarian aid ship bound for Gaza. I did not look deeply into this but just looked up generally what was going on. I don't know what is true or false but here is what I gather:

1) 'Aid' ship wants to bring supplies to Palestinians
2) 'Aid' ship ignored blockade set by Israel
3) Israel see this breach of protocol as a threat
4) Israel board the ships
5) Crew on ship somehow could retaliate, injuring Israeli soldiers
6) Crew on ship hailed as heroes and martyrs while Israel is demonized further

My thoughts:

We all agree that some crew on the aid ship got injured/killed. We also agree that some Israeli soldiers got injured (killed I not sure) as well. Crew get injured, we understand since they were fighting with soldiers. But how on earth can the crew, a supposedly 'innocent' bunch, injure Israeli troops badly? They claim they are unarmed. Unless they know some kung fu like Ip-Man , they would get pwned instantly. This alone proves that they were indeed armed.

Why ram through a blockade? If you have nothing to hide, why not just declare your stuff properly to Israeli authorities? I am sure if all is well, Israel will let everything pass. But you rammed through the blockade. Do you have something to hide?

The crew on the ship should be glad that some actually survived and glad that Israel sent warnings prior to being attacked. Ramming through a blockade like what they did would give Israel a very legitimate reason to bomb the ships on sight.

Also, why focus so much of the sufferings of the Palestinians? How about the Israelis? Everyone acts as though Palestine has no part in this. To my knowledge, Palestine started this whole war debacle and Israel is just retaliating. If I am a ruler of a country, and if another country attacked me, would not I respond in kind? You will not expect me to sit back and drink tea while my country is being bombed. Israelis also suffered from bombs from Hamas. Why no coverage on that? In war, it takes two hands to clap.

It seems the world will only be happy if Israel is destroyed. From all this biasness, if the roles were reversed (i.e. Palestine denies aid ship to Israel), the world would do nothing. In fact, the world may hail the Palestinians as heroes for denying aid.

This is all in accordance to Scripture. The prophecies of Scripture are being fulfilled. The world seeks to destroy Israel but God's covenant to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob still stands. God will have the last say in the end. This is the sign of the last days. Our Lord's return is very near.

PS: I may have made some error in terms of details to this whole debacle. Post your comments, correcting me where I have made a mistake. But please post a reliable source to back your claims.

PSS: Feel free to post your thoughts on this as well.


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