Saturday, February 06, 2010

Prof Quotes

I have a Math prof this term which likes to crack some funny jokes. Seriously, they are funny. Here are some below:

1) The proof to the following equation is long, tedious, and requires a brain size of a monkey. We won't do it here. We will leave it to the Engineers. We don't want to take away their jobs.

2)*beer bottle dropping sound* Was that a beer bottle? At least bring some for the prof, dammit.

3) When we say we hit a matrix with another matrix, it just means we multiply the two matrices. Now, this only works in Mathematics. You won't want to say, "I multiplied my brother".

4) This is very complicated. They don't do this in Engineering. Make sure you follow this.

5) Why don't we want fractions? Go on, you can say it, 'because sir, we suck at fractions.' [on trying to avoid using fractions until the last step of calculation]

6) Leave this linear algebra course to Science students and we would have lost half of them.

lolz. enjoy!

Note 1: Above are Engineering-Math jokes. Just a bit of background to help you appreciate the jokes a bit more. Mathematicians apparently see Engineers as only knowing how to crunch in numbers and leave it at that. On the flip side, the Engineers see the Mathematicians as being too theoretical.
Note 2: Number 6 is a joke about Science students. I think the jokes follows along the lines that Science students are only able to handle simple equations. But I could be wrong.


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