Ammendment to article 'Buildings Galore...'
I recently just finished watching the movie 'V for Vandetta'. Yeah yeah....its been out like so long ago and i just finished watching it...yup yup...a bit back on movies..hehe. anyway, one of the characters in the movie, Evey Hammond (dunno who is the actress....:P) said something very interesting which i think would suit my blog on 'Buildings Galore....'. She said something to this effect, "What the people need is not a building but hope". We, as ambassadors of Christ, are to bring hope to the world-something the world needs. The world doesn't need more buildings. It has many of those already. If buildings were our greatest need, God will send us an architect. But our greatest need was hope and He send a Savior ( I think i heard these words somewhere...). Again, I stress that church buildings are not bad but it shouldn't be our primary focus. Our primary focus should be on God Himself. When we focus on Him, all our priorities will fall in the correct order.
Solis Deo Gloria!
PS: Feel free to comment yah....
Solis Deo Gloria!
PS: Feel free to comment yah....