Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ian's Theory (Beware: Lameness Ahead)

here is my theory of how the Malay word 'rentak' (as in "rentak muzik") came about (heed the title above. there is still time to turn away. approach wisely) :

follow the steps:
1) Literal translation of the band name 'Planetshakers' to Malay is 'Pengoncang Dunia'.
2) We learn from Secondary School history of a guy named Rentap whose name means 'Pengoncang Bumi'.
3) Ignoring the slight difference between Dunia and Bumi as the are the same thing, we can say 'Pengoncang Bumi' is also 'Pengoncang Dunia'.
4) By a minor switching of the alphabet 'p' in Rentap with 'k', we get 'rentak' (as in "rentak muzik").
5) By the way, Planetshakers is a music band. Therefore, see the lame connection?

Just wanted to put something funny or lame inside my blog. colour things a bit. if anyone doesn't get the lame joke above, come see me personally and i'll explain to you :P. if you understand it and are now laughing yourself breathless and thus feeling kinda sick, you have been forewarned. :P hope you all enjoyed it:P



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Blogger gLeNn said...

so lam, this joke is all u ar? hehe.. coz i dont think u can pick it up from somewhere.. coz too malaysian-ed... hehe...

3:07 PM  

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