Friday, February 23, 2007

About Bible Study 1

Hi! It has been awhile since I updated. Well…here is a nice, long and juicy update. Its so long that I think I’ll split it into 5 different posts so that it will be easier to read. Hehe. If anyone has any comments or think I am wrong about something, please do comment. Well, enjoy! :p

Nowadays, we go for this bible study, that bible study and a whole lot of other bible studies. It’s a good thing to learn more about God’s Word because it tells us more about God and His character as well as principles for Christian living but how much is actually being put into practice?

We sometimes here comments like “Come for this bible study. Its really good.” or “The material in this bible study is really good. It teaches you how to apply it to your life” and many other comments like these. I have gone through my own share of bible studies as well and still am. Indeed, the material sometimes is very practical and the teaching is good. It is so practical that I sometimes wonder: if everyone who attends bible study applies it to their everyday life, just a few will be able to impact our area of influence. Unfortunately, we don’t see that happening. Therefore, there can only be one reason: all the bible studies we are going to is merely ending up as head knowledge.

You may say, “It takes time to see changes”. True. I fully agree but how many bible studies are being held? Dozens, if not hundreds all over the country. How many titles of bible study materials are there? I don’t know. There are too many that I won’t bother counting or listing it down here. Now consider: if there are so many bible study sessions held and so many different materials used, it is highly improbable that it takes such a long time to see changes. Look around us today. If the powerful Word of God is practiced, why are there conflicts among fellow brothers and sisters in Christ? Why does society see little difference between Christians and non-Christians?


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