Monday, February 25, 2008

RM 4.00

Hey all! Just wanna share something that happened recently. May seem a bit insignificant but very significant for me as God continue to confirm to me his faitfulness.

This happened on a Sunday after church. As my mum attend different churches, I dropped her off before driving to my church (will take quite awhile to explain it here but can ask me personally if you want to know why its like this :P ). As my mum had some event going on in her church, she asked me to go and get my own lunch. When I went for my lunch, I had only RM 4 in my wallet. Earlier in the morning, I thought of taking some extra money with me but I didn’t.

So I thought I’ll drop by the bank on the way but the traffic was heavy at that time (after church mah…) so couldn’t go to the bank. I headed to the usual coffee shop for my lunch. I planned to eat a large bowl of noodles which will cost me exactly RM4. For those who know me, that’s not really enough actually. I sometimes buy some ‘yong tau foo’ or some side dishes to complement but this time I don’t have the money. So, I decided to forego it this time.

I placed my order and sat down at a table and waited for my food. Then, some aunties from my church happened to go there as well (not really aunties la…late middle age I think .:P if they know I call them auntie here they will strangle me :P). They were surprised to see me there and asked me to join them at their table. To cut the story short, they paid for my large bowl of noodles. On top of that, they ordered ‘yong tau foo’ and ‘rojak’ and asked me to eat also. So, I ate a bit. :P

I entered the coffee shop with RM 4, ate a satisfying lunch, and left with RM 4. Not logical? It happened anyway. Earlier while I was driving to the shop, I had a thought along this line, “Oh well. Not enough money for extras. Guess have to make do with minimum this time. Sigh…feel like eating ‘yong tau foo’..oh well..maybe next time” Then some small sub-thought came to me, “The Lord will provide”. I was like, “Yeah…maybe later will have a heavier dinner or something to make up”. What happened after that, to me, was not coincidence. Not only I got some extra food but I got exactly the extras I was craving that time: ‘yong tau foo’.

I have money at home and I have some loose coins in a pouch in my bag. Could I afford it? Definitely, if I had brought more money with me. Maybe God was trying to affirm to me his faithfulness and providence. I sometimes doubt God’s providence in my life and sometimes question, “God, will you really provide for me? I know you rained manna down from heaven and caused water to flow from a rock. How will you do it this time? I don’t know how but You are God. Your thoughts and Your ways are not mine. I just trust in your Word and have faith You will provide.” What happened that Sunday was, to me, a confirmation sign. If God noticed my small and unimportant request like what happened above, surely He will provide for something larger and important. I just have to wait for His timing and how he will provide. (Can ask me personally on this also…too much to write for now…:P)

Soli Deo Gloria!
Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison

PS: God knows I like to eat because most of the time he speaks to me through food related incidents. :P

Sunday, February 24, 2008

God Hath Spoken by the Prophets

God hath spoken by the prophets, spoken the unchanging Word,
each from age to age proclaiming, God the One, the righteous Lord!
'Mid the world's despair and turmoil, one firm anchor holdeth fast:
God eternal reigns forever, God the first, and God the last.

God hath spoken by Christ Jesus, Christ, the everlasting Son;
brightness of the Father's glory, with the Father ever one;
spoken by the Word incarnate, God of God, ere time was born;
Light of Light, to earth descending, Christ, as God in human form.

God yet speaketh by the Spirit, speaketh to our hearts again;
in the age-long Word expounding God's own message, now as then.
Thru the rise and fall of nations, one sure faith yet standing fast,
God abides, the Word unchanging, God the first, and God the last.

WORDS: George W. Briggs, 1952
MUSIC: Thomas J. Williams, 1890
(taken from the United Methodist Hymnal)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee

Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love;
Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee, opening to the sun above.
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness; drive the dark of doubt away;
Giver of immortal gladness, fill us with the light of day!

All Thy works with joy surround Thee, earth and heaven reflect Thy rays,
Stars and angels sing around Thee, center of unbroken praise.
Field and forest, vale and mountain, flowery meadow, flashing sea,
Singing bird and flowing fountain call us to rejoice in Thee.

Thou art giving and forgiving, ever blessing, ever blessed,
Wellspring of the joy of living, ocean depth of happy rest!
Thou our Father, Christ our Brother, all who live in love are Thine;
Teach us how to love each other, lift us to the joy divine.

Mortals, join the happy chorus, which the morning stars began;
Father love is reigning o’er us, brother love binds man to man.
Ever singing, march we onward, victors in the midst of strife,
Joyful music leads us Sunward in the triumph song of life.

Words: Hen­ry J. van Dyke, 1907.

Music: Hymn to Joy, from the 9th Sym­pho­ny of Lud­wig van Beet­ho­ven; adapt­ed by Ed­ward Hodg­es, 1824

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

From the Archives....

O would like to pull out an entry in the month of April 2007 from the archives of the annals. Its entitled "Fasting". Check it out and leave comments yah.

Soli Deo Gloria!
Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison

Happy Chinese New Year!!

Lolz. Kinda late but Happy Chinese New Year 2008 to everyone who happen to come here!!!! :P

Concerning The Scriptures

Blessed Lord, you have caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning. Grant us to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen

After the Book of Common Prayer
Taken from: United Methodist Hymnal (UMH # 602)

Soli Deo Gloria!
Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison

Monday, February 04, 2008

What A Friend We Have In Jesus

What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge, take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He’ll take and shield you; you will find a solace there.

Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised Thou wilt all our burdens bear
May we ever, Lord, be bringing all to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright unclouded there will be no need for prayer
Rapture, praise and endless worship will be our sweet portion there.

Words: Joseph M. Scriven
Music: Charles C. Converse

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Musings on Prayer

I am sure there are times when people teach you methods or 'guidelines' for you to pray like first you praise God, then you pray for others, etc etc. To me, that is all unnecessary. Just pray what is in your heart and in your mind. God wants to hear that. God wants you to have a relationship with him. I am speaking about your personal prayer time and not so much on corporate prayer. Consider this prayer from Jeremiah 20. Like i said, we were sometime taught to open with praise to God, right? See what our friend Jerry (lol!) says...

7 O LORD, you deceived me, and I was deceived ;
you overpowered me and prevailed.
I am ridiculed all day long;
everyone mocks me.

(Jeremiah 20:7)

This is his opening. Not really praising, is he?

God our Heavenly Father wants us to tell him our deepest feeling, thoughts, fears, etc no matter how 'dark' or crazy they are. Look at this part towards the end of Jeremiah's prayer.

14 Cursed be the day I was born!
May the day my mother bore me not be blessed!

15 Cursed be the man who brought my father the news,
who made him very glad, saying,
"A child is born to you—a son!"

16 May that man be like the towns
the LORD overthrew without pity.
May he hear wailing in the morning,
a battle cry at noon.

17 For he did not kill me in the womb,
with my mother as my grave,
her womb enlarged forever.

18 Why did I ever come out of the womb
to see trouble and sorrow
and to end my days in shame?

(Jeremiah 20:14-18)

Wah liao...look at what he says! One would probably think, "Surely God is going to rebuke him for this." Read on in Jeremiah and there is no mention of anything like that. God understood what was going on in Jeremiah and knew it was natural for him to say something like that.

Jeremiah was sent to prophesy against the Isrealites in Judah. Because of his not-so-sweet message, the people were against him and many people, if not everyone, hated him. He must have felt lonely and depressed. He must probably felt like all this is unfair. "I am only speaking God's Word! Why do I deserve all this? " Since he had no friends to turn to, he turned to the only One who knew and cared: Yahweh Yireh, who would provide even for his spiritual and emotional needs.

So, when we pray, you don't have to form eloquent or bombastic words with all the theological terms. Just say what is in your heart or in your mind. Don't worry of thinking God won't get the message. He does and always will get the message. Heck...he knows what is bothering you even before you say it! He just wants you to commune with him.

Soli Deo Gloria!
Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison

PS: I love the Bible coz the stuff written somehow fits my feelings perfectly. Truly living and active Word, eh? :P


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